Why Join
Park Avenue Securities

Helping you grow your business your way.

Supporting You as an Entrepreneur


From our senior leadership to our business development desk, we’ll work with you as an experienced financial professional to develop an investment philosophy and approach that aligns with your value proposition and creates a repeatable investment process to build scale.

Our Business Development Officers (BDOs) will work with you to analyze your client base for the most attractive opportunities, support activity and growth, and share wealth management best practices.

Watch these videos to see what our financial professionals have to say.

Utilizing an Uncommon, Holistic Wealth Management Approach



While protection is the core building block to any grounded financial plan, there are additional ways to complement your clients’ risk management strategy to further help them grow and protect their assets.

Whether it’s building a long-term investment strategy for retirement, saving for college, or capital preservation, at Park Avenue Securities, we can help you step forward to be the trusted financial professional for your clients.

Park Avenue Securities Provides Industry-Leading Technology

Industry-Leading Technology


Taking advantage of our on-platform investment capabilities allows you to create a repeatable advisory business model to efficiently grow, manage, and service your wealth management business to scale. These integrated technology solutions save you and your staff time, create a more streamlined client experience, and help you better serve your clients.

We have established relationships with Pershing, Albridge and more to provide you with industry-leading technology.


1 System availability is contingent on volume, Internet bandwidth, market volatility, and other factors that could interrupt system access.

NetX360, NetXInvestor, Pershing, Envestnet, and Albridge are not affiliates or subsidiaries of PAS or Guardian. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used with permission.
